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Competition Terms and Conditions.

By entering this competition for a Rove wheelchair, you agree to the following conditions:


  • ​This competition is not in any way affiliated with Instagram.

  • By sending us your video or comments as an entry you give Rove Wheelchairs permission to use and share your video or comments for future marketing purposes.

  • As a winner, you agree to purchase the custom Rove Wheelchair, worth up to $20,000 for a total of $1.

  • You can choose any combination of options on the wheelchair up to a total of $20,000.  We will work with you to build your dream wheelchair up to this value.  Any cost associated with this wheelchair that is above $20,000 will be covered by you as the winner of the competition.
    (Typically most of our wheelchairs are between $15,000 - $22,000)


  • You must be an Australian citizen who is 18+ and currently residing in Australia.

  • As the winner, you must be available for two in-person meetings at Rove HQ in Oakleigh, VIC 3166.  These include the initial custom wheelchair fitting and then the delivery of your new custom wheelchair!

  • As the winner, you consent to the filming of you, and any person with you at the time during the process of design and receiving your new wheelchair.  You also consent to the use of this video content to be shared for Rove content and market purposes.

  • Winner to be chosen a sole discretion of Rove 

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